(Source MMVV)


We are writing to inform you that the 32nd edition of the MMVV will be different from previous ones. Current circumstances have forced us to rethink the model and we cannot delay in making decisions. The only way to ensure the holding of a professional market, open to all and without risk to the health of those attending, is to hold it online. Thus, the professional part of MMVV 2020 will be digital, both in terms of professional encounters and artistic programming. The dates of this new edition are extended and will be from September 14th to 19th.

As for the professional meeting part, we are working on all the possibilities offered by websites, applications and Social media to organise meetings, presentations and publicity to help promote recruitment, offer new business models and present new promotional tools. Our goal is to offer you a Market that is useful, effective and inspiring.

This year, the artistic programme will be reduced to forty performances, all of which will be premieres. The scheduled concerts will be recorded live during the summer at the Atlàntida Theater and Auditorium, and will be premiered on the MMVV website. These concerts will count on the optimal technical conditions to produce a well-made, well-lit and well-mixed audiovisual work, a quality material that will be given to the artist so that he can promote his work. The length of the act and the economic conditions will follow the same criteria as always. We will announce the artistic selection and other content in early June.

We are convinced that, despite the exceptional nature of life at this moment, we will be able to hold a successful edition of the MMVV. We ask for your complicity, trust and patience and please send any comments, which you deem appropriate.

We are counting on you!
The MMVV team

Historiador Ramon Abadal i Vinyals, 5, 2a
08500 Vic
T. +34 938 833 100 F. +34 938 832 626