European World Music Monitor
In 2014 World Music Forum NL took the initiative to set up a European World Music Monitor. Its aim is to create effective tools to facilitate the formulation of music policy and empower World Music on a European scale. In general terms, a monitoring system can easily be collected from public resources. Developments and trends become evident through an examination of data gathered over the years. In order to initiate a pilot programme for the European World Music Monitor several European partner countries ( a.o. Germany, Hungary, Netherlands) will continue to explore possibilities at Babel Med 2016. Such issues as the research model, implementation and financing involved in the constitution of the monitor will be discussed on Saturday March 19th from 11-13.
This meeting is for invitees only. Interested parties can take up contact with
Summaries of previous meetings:
Report EMW-Monitor meeting Womex2015,
Babel Med March 2015,
Womex 2014