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27 april 2023 - 30 april 2023

jazzahead! is the must-go event for the international jazz industry and the place for high-quality, contemporary jazz from Germany, Europe and overseas. As the world’s largest event where all the protagonists of the scene (musicians, labels, agencies, festival makers, bookers and media representatives) meet, it is considered by professional visitors from all over the world as the “Family Reunion of Jazz”.

Despite its steady growth, jazzahead! has managed to keep its family character. jazzahead! is not only a trade fair for trade visitors, but also open to the general public – with a program that once a year turns the Hanseatic city of Bremen into a jazz metropolis.

Since 2015, the jazzahead! funded by the budget of the Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
jazzahead! Festival

The jazzahead! Festival, which has been taking place before and during the international jazz meeting since 2011, presents the art and culture scene of an annually changing partner country as well as bands from all over the world in the Hanseatic city in cooperation with around 60 regional, national and international cooperation partners. At the trade fair weekend itself, the program will culminate in 30 venues with 40 showcase concerts, GALA CONCERT and CLUBNIGHT.

NB inJazz/bumaCultuur heeft een  NL colectieve stand

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27 april 2023 - 30 april 2023