(bron: EXIB)

The gateway to Europe for the diversity of Ibero-America. An exhibition specializing in music from Latin America, Spain, and Portugal that promotes the sharing of goods and services based on cooperation, diversity, and identity.

This will be the VI edition of EXIB Music Live Setúbal 2020

  • Live events from Setúbal, Portugal
  • Streaming & Live events from Ibero-America

The programming agenda for each of the three days (October 29, 30 and 31),
will include:

  • Music: Virtual schowcases
  • Training: Conferences and “video podcasts”
  • Professional meetings: Networking Actions (Virtual)
  • Concerts: From the Luisa Todi Forum (Streaming-Live)
  • Music and City (Virtual contents)

The accreditation process (free) but essential, will be open from October 1.

More information: EXIB