World Music Forum NL verzorgt zoals gebruikelijk de Nederlandse collectieve vertegenwoordiging tijdens de beurs op stand nummers 87-88. Ga je mee naar WOMEX? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Nederlandse stand. Meld je hier aan voor netwerkkorting en overige activiteiten.

Let op: na vandaag – 23 september – gaat het tarief weer met een paar tientjes omhoog!

We announced the complete WOMEX 22 Lisbon edition programme: Conference, Films and Showcase, the Award Recipients, public tickets for the evenings, and released the ‘Who’s Attending this October’ list – everything is out and available online.

That’s not all – all the Expo Stands are Sold-out for this year confirming that we will have a packed Expo at Altice Arena in Lisbon, and the WOMEX 22 Programme Guide finally went into printing last Friday. Phew!

Today, we are excited to share The World Music Charts: Top 20 Labels of the Year, the complete Programme Schedule so you can plan your days and nights in Lisbon, and last but not least – save the date – for upcoming Digital Sessions on 5 and 6 October.

In the coming weeks, leading to WOMEX 22 Lisbon, we will be sharing important on-site information for all delegates, please keep a look out for our newsletters and a watch on our social media in order not to miss any relevant news.

WOMEX 22 Lisbon: Programme Overview

While WOMEX 22 will be an in-person event in Lisbon, not streamed online, before the on-site event, we will bring an extra bit of this year’s programme to a screen near you so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your homes and safe spaces.

We have lined up an exciting digital networking programme on 5 and 6 October as a warm-up for our attending delegates in Lisbon and for those who are unable to attend in person. The Digital Networking Sessions cover regions across all continents, enabling you to connect and network with your peers worldwide.

How to Participate?

This year, our digital programme is FREE and open to everyone via our Facebook page. But, if you would like to participate in the networking sessions, connect with others, exchange ideas and engage in discussions, you can access it via the Zoom link through your virtualWOMEX membership.

If you have an active virtualWOMEX membership or are registered for WOMEX 22 Lisbon then you can use the same login details to access this upcoming digital programme. If not, you can renew your annual virtualWOMEX membership or get a new one for 79 EUR.

Networking Sessions taking place on 5 & 6 October 2022

  • Creative Europe Networking Session
    Coordinated by Sara Machado (Portugal), Creative Europe Desk Portugal
  • Global Club Music Networking Session
    Coordinated by Darius Roncoszek (Poland/Germany), Global Club Music Network
  • Labels Networking Session
    Coordinated by Felipe Álvarez (Colombia), Polen Records
  • North American Networking Session
    Coordinated by Isabel Soffer (USA), globalFEST; Claudia Norman (Mexico/USA), Mexico Now Festival
  • WHY Portugal Networking Session
    Coordinated by Nuno Saraiva (Portugal), WHY Portugal
WOMEX 22 Digital Programme