De komende editie van Jazzahead! zal plaatsvinden van 19 tot 22 april 2018. Ook dit jaar zal Buma Cultuur samen met Dutch Performing Arts een Nederlandse stand en bijhorende campagne verzorgen.
Aanmelden als co-exhibitor, met korting naar Jazzahead!

U kunt zich vanaf nu registreren als co-exhibitor van de Nederlandse stand en gebruiken maken van de code die wij u aanbieden. Deze code geeft u 30€ korting op het gehanteerde tarief. Let op, de deadline van het early bird tarief ligt op 13 oktober!

Om gebruiken te maken van de korting moet u eerst een account aan te maken of in te loggen met uw reeds bestaande account. Vervolgens dient het formulier ‘order form co-exhibitor’ ingevuld te worden. Dit doet u als volgt:

  • Co-exhibitor of: Dutch inJazz
  • Name of contact person: Tom Veugen
  • Stand number: 6B09
  • Discount code: JA18RC5EU

Aanmelden voor een showcase

Nadat u zich als co-exhibitor of delegate hebt aangemeld, kunt u uw band ook aanmelden om kans te maken op een showcase op Jazzahead! De deadline voor deze aanmelding ligt op 2 november. Hier leest u meer over de procedure en voorwaarden voor het aanmelden voor een showcase.


Belangrijke data om in het oog te houden

13 oktober –  eind early bird tarief
2 november – deadline showcase aanmeldingen
december – bekendmaking showcase artiesten
12 januari – einde tweede registratietarief
14 maart – deadline aanmelding gids
5 april – deadline online registraties



Meer info over Jazzahead!

As of now, you can register again online for jazzahead! 2018 as an exhibitor, co-exhibitor, professional participant or media representative. All rates and conditions for participation and hall plans are available online and can be downloaded. In order to make your online registration, you first need to create a user account or login with an existing account, then update your data and password. After this, you can choose your participation. Please read the terms and conditions properly beforehand.

NEW: registrations as professional participants or co-exhibitors cannot be paid by invoice any longer, only credit card, paypal or immediate money transfer will be possible.
Attention professional participants: Get your registration as professional participants at our early bird rate until 13 October, 2017 for just 145 € plus 19% VAT for all days of jazzahead!

Stand booking options

Together with the start of online registrations, stand bookings are also possible and have to be made online, too. All prices and booking options can be found on our website. In case you wish to discuss larger stand bookings beforehand, please contact Maleni Piyasiri at +49 (0)421 3505 298.


Partner Country Poland

The jazzahead! partner country 2018 is Poland. We are looking forward to presenting the highly impressive Polish scene at trade fair and festival! The Polish Night is the start to four days of jazzahead!, during which Poland will introduce its jazz scene in Bremen. In addition, over the course of two weeks, concerts, theatre plays, readings, screenings and many more events in Bremen’s cultural institutions give a deep insight into the cultural scene of our partner country.


Call for showcase applications

From now on, you can apply for the showcase festival. As in the previous years, exhibitors, co-exhibitors and also professional participants registered for all days, can hand in applications online. The deadline for band applications is November 2nd, 2017. You’ll find more information about the terms and conditions online.
Applications can only be submitted via the jazzahead! website. The official showcase selection is made by four international juries of experts, which will choose the bands that get to play one of the 40 showcases. The showcasing bands and artists will be announced in the beginning of December.


Next year’s showcase program consists of the following modules:


Thursday, April 19th, 2018: The Polish Night opens the showcase festival at 7.30 pm on two stages in Exhibition Hall 7 and at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.


Friday, April 20th, 2018: From 2 PM and again from 7.30 PM, the European Jazz Meeting will take the three stages.


Saturday, April 21st, 2018: The afternoon is dedicated to German bands, presenting eight bands in the German Jazz Expo. The Overseas Night is the final item on the showcase agenda, taking place on Saturday night from 7.30 PM, again in Exhibition Hall 7 and at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.
Important deadlines

In the following, you can find all important dates for the coming jazzahead! edition:
Mid-September 2017   –  online registration opens and showcase application phase starts
October 13th, 2017      –  early bird rate for professional participant registration ends
November 2nd, 2017   –  showcase application deadline
December 2017          –  announcement of the showcasing artists
January 12th, 2018     –  second discounted rate for professional participant registration ends
March 14th, 2018         –  deadline for guide entry & deadline for stand bookings
March 21st, 2018         –  deadline for ordering extra stand material (service handbook)
April 5th, 2018         .   –  online registration closes / registration will be possible on-site
(Subject to modification)


New Opening hours
For jazzahead! 2018, we have adjusted our opening times.
The trade fair will close one hour early and we’ll start with the showcases 30 minutes earlier than the years before:


Trade Fair, Hall 6                  jazzahead! Showcases Hall 7 & Schlachthof*
Thursday,19th April       12.00 pm –  7.00 pm            7.30 pm – 00.40 am
Friday, 20th April          10.00 am –  7.00 pm            2.00 pm –  6.30 pm & 7.30 pm – 00.40 am
Saturday, 21th April      10.00 am –  7.00 pm            2.00 pm –  6.30 pm & 7.30 pm – 01.00 am
Sunday, 22th April        10.00 am – 12.00 pm


(*Subject to modification)


Meet us at…
jazzahead! regularly visits other expos and events. In the following weeks you can meet us here:

21st – 24th September, 2017 > European Jazz Conference / Ljubljana, Slovenia
21st – 22nd September, 2017 > Reeperbahnfestival / Hamburg, Germany
25th – 29th October, 2017      > WOMEX / Katowice, Poland

Drop us a line at to schedule a meeting!


Travel & Accommodation

In cooperation with the Bremer Touristik-Zentrale (BTZ) we can again offer reduced hotel rates to jazzahead! participants. BTZ will also gladly advise you about your travel options to jazzahead!. Further information and contact details can be found here.

Attention: there is a tense room situation due to another big international congress happening at the same time than jazzahead! 2018. We advise you to do your hotel bookings the earliest possible.


We’re happy to answer any questions you might have regarding jazzahead! 2018. Please don’t hesitate to contact us about the new registration and application procedure. Just send an e-mail to or call +49 (0)421 3505 298.