20th FIRA MEDITERRÀNIA MANRESA – From 5 to 8 October 2017

Presentation deadline: Monday 6 March 2017

Fira Mediterrània of Manresa is one of six performing arts fairs that together comprise a map of performing arts fairs organised by the Catalan Government Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with different national agents.

The programme is interdisciplinary -visual arts, circus, dance, exhibitions, music, storytelling and theatre-. Arts projects can be submitted under two main themes:

Popular Culture: based on elements that include the transfer of heritage, the crossover between contemporary creation and traditional regional culture, participation and the increase of the social base of culture. Suitable projects: Traditional popular culture productions // Urban and street art // Community and social inclusion projects // Interactive and/or participative shows // Family shows, amongst others.

World Music, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean region./

Performances may be small, medium or large scale format and aimed at adult and/or family audiences.

Please send your artistic proposals until Monday 6 March HERE

News via: www.firamediterrania.cat