(Bron: Miriam Brenner op Facebook)

??????? ?? Amare – Den Haag ! ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ?? *?????????? ?????? ????? & ????????? ?????????* ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ? ??? ?????? ???!

Happy to be curating global music concerts and context activities, plus several community festivals and celebrations in Amare – brand new performing arts center downtown The Hague. Looking forward to continue what I’ve been doing for almost 15 years in this new role: sharing the sounds and stories of rich music cultures worldwide, from tradtion to contemporary and urban forms.

And can’t wait to collaborate with some many of you, my global community of collegues !

We present 15-20 concerts in this wide genre throughout the year. And are proud to collaborate with local and international partners for the focus festivals: #Nowruz, #Divali, #Gnawa & #Amazigh and more.  The building houses both the theater itself, with several seated halls, as well as the Royal #Conservatory, the Residentie #Orkest and National Dance Theater troupe. Stronger together!

Curious? Read on and check the website for more https://www.amare.nl/en/pQBKTj/nieuws/a-quick-look-around

Check hier het Gnwa-festival van 8 t/m 11 september.