Verslag: ‘Music & Migration- going back to my roots … but how?’

3 augustus, 2023|Lees/luister terug|

World Music Forum NL · World Blend Café - InJazz - Music & Migration - 23062023 Imagine: your (grand)-parents descent from Cape Verde, Chili, Curaçao, Ghana, Indonesia, Suriname; countries the Netherlands was connected to for all sorts of reasons. Imagine: You want to continue their musical heritage, adding to more specific reasons. Op 23 juni 2023 organiseerde World Music Forum NL tijdens InJazz in Rotterdam een Blend Café over muzikaal erfgoed. Aanleiding vormde de aanstaande herdenking van 150 jaar afschaffing van de slavernij in Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen (1 juli 2023). Daarnaast de aanstaande oprichting van een Migratie Museum in Rotterdam (2024) en een Slavernij Museum in [...]

The Black Music History Library

19 augustus, 2020|Muziekarchieven|

(bron: The Black Music History Library is a living collection of books, articles, documentaries, series, podcasts and more about the Black origins of traditional and popular music dating from the 18th century to present day. Resources are organized chronologically and by genre for ease of browsing. This digital library was born out of a need to make resources about Black music history as comprehensive and accessible as possible. It contains well over one thousand entries (and counting) in the form of books, articles, documentaries, series, radio segments, and podcasts about the Black origins of popular and traditional music, dating from the 18th century to the present day. [...]

20 years of world music history in one collectors’ edition of Songlines

29 juni, 2020|Call, English, Internationaal, Muziekarchieven, Nieuws|

(Advertentie: Songlines) Indulge your passion for the very best music from across the globe in this special edition of Songlines. As the leading world music magazine for the last 20 years, we are uniquely placed to take you on a wonderful retrospective journey through the incredibly diverse music from around the world. Readers can discover the top album releases, artist news and main events for each year since the magazine's launch in 1999. It's a must have for anyone with an interest in our planet's musical heritage. You can order your copy here.

Electrofolk audiovisual show – Duo Bottasso & Simone Sims Longo

26 februari, 2020|

IL CIELO DI PIETRA (“The Stone Sky”) is a musical, visual and sonic show created with footage from cinematographic experimentation. Nicolò Bottasso | violin, trumpet, electronics Simone Bottasso | diatonic accordion (trekharmonica), flute, electronics Simone Sims Longo | electronics, live visual At the beginning of XX century directors such as Segundo de Chomon, Georges Mèliés, JC Mol were experimenting on color, special effects and in the investigation of the microscopical details. Now the Bottasso brothers and Simone Sims Longo have composed a new audiovisual show enhancing the visionary approach of these directors, processing the films with modern digital means and playing with the degradation that time operated over [...]

ČALGIJA CD Release Party. Music from the Balkans and Anatolia

25 februari, 2020|

Ter herinnering aan Wouter Swets, muzikant en etnomusicoloog (1930-2016) en zijn ensemble Čalgija, wordt op 10 maart 2020 de nieuwe CD "UNFORGOTTEN" gepresenteerd, met niet eerder uitgebrachte studio-opnamen uit 1983 en 1984 en live-registraties uit 1978 en 1983. De CD-presentatie wordt muzikaal opgeluisterd door de erfopvolger: orkest ČALGIJA III. Ook zullen er filmfragmenten uit de 80-er jaren en foto's uit de 60-er jaren worden vertoond. Geniet van de live muziek door orkest ČALGIJA III, een springlevend ensemble dat vurige dansmuziek speelt uit Bulgarije, wonderbaarlijke ritmes uit Albanië, opgewonden strijdliederen uit Macedonië, dramatische liefdesliederen uit Griekenland, erudiete klassieke muziek uit Turkije en nieuwe composities van Michiel van der Meulen. [...]

Old vinyls, new views- the A & B side of our musical future

13 november, 2017|English, Internationaal, Lees/luister terug, Nieuws|

Expert meeting on the preservation & management of music/ worldmusic heritage June 14th 2017, Bimhuis- Amsterdam, The Netherlands CONTENT I. Summary I.1. three keynotes, three perspectives I.2. two panels discussing the current Dutch situation I.3. recommendations I.4. conclusions II. List of participants III. Additional material provided by speakers and panellists IV. Credits V.  Full report * Morning session: The A-side V.1. Introduction: Stan Rijven (World Music Forum NL, music journalist) V.2.‘The importance of preserving old African popular music recordings’ Prof. John Collins (Legon University, Bokoor African Popular Music Archive Foundation- Ghana) V.3.‘Discussing the legacy of Duvelle, Disques Ocora and Collection Prophet’ Hisham Mayet (Sublime Frequencies- France) V.4.The WHY of [...]

Unlocking Sounds revives Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum audio collection

29 juni, 2017|English, Internationaal, Lees/luister terug|

Dispersed and neglected In archives around the world reside audio recordings that offer a glimpse into the way life once was for individual cultures. Recent efforts have sought to bring these collections out of obscurity, and share them with the public and in an exercise to discover what new perspectives arise when these collections are shared with artists  RE:VIVE and the Research Center for Material Culture(RCMC)/Tropenmuseum announce their “Unlocking Sounds” collaboration featuring three new EPs from Parrish Smith, Ash Koosha and Clap! Clap! Unlocking Sounds revives Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum audio collection which features thousands of original field recordings from around the globe dating back to the 1920s. This collection [...]

Unlocking Sounds revives Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum audio collection

29 juni, 2017|English, Internationaal|

Dispersed and neglected In archives around the world reside audio recordings that offer a glimpse into the way life once was for individual cultures. Recent efforts have sought to bring these collections out of obscurity, and share them with the public and in an exercise to discover what new perspectives arise when these collections are shared with artists RE:VIVE and the Research Center for Material Culture(RCMC)/Tropenmuseum announce their “Unlocking Sounds” collaboration featuring three new EPs from Parrish Smith, Ash Koosha and Clap! Clap! Unlocking Sounds revives Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum audio collection which features thousands of original field recordings from around the globe dating back to the 1920s. This collection [...]