WOMEX 2023 Call Proposals

1 februari, 2023|Call, Conferentie Expertmeeting, English, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Internationaal, Nieuws, Womex|

(for English scroll down) Uitnodiging aan alle artiesten, bands, dj's en muziekproducenten, filmmakers, deskundigen uit de industrie en visionairs. Berlijn/A Coruña: WOMEX organisatoren Piranha Arts en Nordesía Produccións, de lokale partner van dit jaar, hebben de jaarlijkse Call for Proposals geopend voor de 29e editie van WOMEX die zal plaatsvinden in A Coruña, Galicië, Spanje, 25 - 29 oktober 2023. De WOMEX-oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen richt zich tot alle musici, filmmakers en muziekprofessionals uit de hele wereld. Het officiële programma wordt uit alle ontvangen inzendingen geselecteerd door een onafhankelijke, internationale en jaarlijks wisselende jury, ook bekend als de Seven Samurai (jury 2023 wordt binnenkort bekendgemaakt). Voorstellen [...]

Music Leadership Summit

1 juni, 2021|

Drawing on 20 years of experience in conflict regions around the world, Musicians Without Borders has developed an approach to using the power of music in communities experiencing the impact of displacement. The Music Leadership Summit is an opportunity for us to share this expertise with musicians and music professionals eager to make a difference and work towards social change in their personal and professional communities. The summit offers a program that combines training and advocacy, focused on building connections and solidarity through music in the context of a world with a growing population on the move. Find more information and register for the Music Leadership Summit: https://musicleadership.musicianswithoutborders.org/

WOMEX Call proposals 16 april & Check the 7 Samurai!

31 maart, 2021|Call, English, Nieuws, Oproepen|

In this past long year, the whole worldwide music ecosystem has suffered tremendously. And as we work towards bridging the gaps, looking for innovative solutions and ways to regain what has been lost collectively due to this global pandemic, now - more than ever - we would like to ask for your support in spreading our message to your friends, colleagues, peer-networks and whoever you think might fit in the WOMEX 21 Programme. We wish to ensure that we reach out to all artists, conference speakers, film-makers, mentors and music professionals of the global music scene worldwide to apply to be a part of the WOMEX 21 Programme and make it as [...]

Call: Babel Music XP

25 juni, 2020|Babel Music, Call, English, Internationaal, Oproepen|

THE NEW CULTURAL & ECONOMIC FORUM ON CURRENT WORLD MUSIC In the light of current challenges affecting the cultural sector sorely tested by the Covid-19 Crisis, the BABEL MUSIC XP International Forum will put Marseille firmly at the heart of the new world music scene. With concerts for the public and professional meetings on innovation and economic issues, this event, brought to you by Latinissimo and the Zone Franche network, marks a triumphant return to the Dock des Suds which will host the musical part of the programme. By bringing together key actors in the music industry and the economy, BABEL MUSIC XP will provide a space for [...]

Call TWMC Festival Award

20 februari, 2020|Call, English|

TWMC Festival Awards: application open This is just a reminder for the festival organicers. The application is open all over the year but note that we need to make some work with you before the festival to identify who can be our eyes and ears in your festival, so we need some time in advance. The earlier you apply, the easier to get all things done. The Transglobal World Music Chart Festival Awards were launched as part of our goal to increase the appreciation of the music from the cultures of the world, as a tool for the development of people in many areas of life, as well as [...]

Call for Proposals for WOMEX 20 Programme

25 januari, 2020|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

Were you in Tampere? See if you can spot yourself in our WOMEX 19 Impressions Video Berlin/Budapest: The time has come to start working on those new year resolutions. Today, we open our Call for Proposals for WOMEX 20, returning for the second time to Budapest, Hungary, from 21 – 25 October 2020. The WOMEX Call for Proposals is open to all musicians, filmmakers and music experts from across the globe. We invite all those with new music, new approaches, new interpretations and ideas. Once the proposals are in, the official programme will be hand-picked by an independent, international and annually changing panel of jury members, also known as the Seven [...]

Last Call: Fira Mediterrania!

15 januari, 2020|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws, Oproepen|

The 23rd Fira Mediterrània Manresa will take place from 15 to 18 October 2020. Send in your proposal  before Wed Jan 29 - 15.00. Requirements Fira Mediterrània Manresa is the strategic fair for artistic proposals which use root sources, tradition and popular culture as the drivers of creativity. Fira Mediterrània works with what we call the 360 degrees of the root, starting with the first level, the intangible heritage, continuing through the associations of popular and traditional culture, which start with that heritage and work to connect it with society, and ending with the professional sector, the artists whose creations are based on that tradition. At the Fira, we attach [...]

International Tango Days (Codarts, Rotterdam) – 1st edition

10 december, 2019|

CODARTS meets UNSAM International Tango Days 1st edition April 2–5, 2020 Codarts University of the Arts, Rotterdam, the Netherlands The World Music – Tango – Department at Codarts University of the Arts (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) and the Argentinian Music Department at Unidad Académica de las Artes UNSAM (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina) come together through music and artistic research with the aim of enhancing the creative practice of River Plate tango and providing an invaluable space for cultural exchange and international cooperation. The International Tango Days – 1st edition are open for musicians worldwide to join and learn how to understand, perform, arrange, compose, improvise, research [...]

Call Global Fest-NY deadline May 17

16 mei, 2019|Internationaal, Nieuws, Oproepen|

  Submissions are open for the globalFEST Showcase/Flagship 2020 until May 17, 2019! The upcoming festival will take place in New York City on January 12, 2020.  About globalFEST’s flagship festival takes place every January and is North America’s most important world music industry event. It sells out in advance consistently each year, attracting over 1,200 music industry professionals, members of the press and music fans! Following their participation in gF, artists have gone on to tour North America at venues such as Hollywood Bowl, Lincoln Center, Bonnaroo, Coachella, The Kennedy Center, SXSW, the Apollo Theater and hundreds of other theaters and festivals. Tours and cultural exchanges that result from gF showcases have helped to build an [...]

Call Visa for Music untill May 30th

16 mei, 2019|English, Internationaal, Oproepen|

Calls for applications for the 6th edition of Visa For Music is extended. You have until May 30th to submit your application! Artists, DJs / VJs, don’t wait any longer! Take a few minutes to submit your applicationand give yourself the opportunity to boost your career.      Djs , Vjs         Artists , Bands