WMF NL@Womex 2023

26 april, 2023|Internationaal, Lees/luister terug, Nieuws, Womex|

WMF NL@Womex 2023 WOMEX is de belangrijkste internationale muziek conferentie voor de 'world' scene met trade-fair, presentaties, films en showcase-festival. Net als in voorgaande jaren zal World Music Forum NL tijdens deze toonaangevende muziekbeurs de collectieve Nederlandse vertegenwoordiging organiseren.  Smartrate Registratie tot 2 juni + Extra Netwerkkorting  Via World Music Forum NL kunnen abonnees met extra korting (3rd person rate) registreren voor WOMEX. Laat via het formulier hieronder weten of je hiervan gebruik wilt maken. Dan sturen we je zsm de kortingscode toe. Completeer vervolgens je WOMEX registratie. >>Overzicht tarieven WOMEX. Eigen tafel of  Eigen stand in NL straatje? Deadline is 15 mei a.s.! Het is mogelijk om een eigen [...]

Verslag Babel Music XP 2023

25 april, 2023|Babel Music, Internationaal, Lees/luister terug, Nieuws|

Babel Music XP- 23/ 25 maart 2023- Marseille Na een pauze van vijf jaar keert Babel Med terug op het world-toneel. Hoewel omgeven door rumoerige pensioenstakingen hoeft de mini-versie van Womex niet met pensioen, zo bewees deze doorstart. Onder de naam Babel Music XP ontrolde zich overdag de beurs op een nieuwe locatie: de rauwe broedplaats ‘Friche la Belle de Mai’, een voormalige papierfabriek. ’s Avonds trokken dertig showcases zo’n 9000 bezoekers in het vertrouwde ‘Dock des Suds’.   Marseille & Macron “Heb jij plannen voor Marseille?”, en “Is het nog de moeite waard?” verwoordden zo de twijfels die potentiële Babel-bezoekers bezighielden. Zo’n twintig Nederlandse en in totaal [...]

ESNS Conference: ESNS Tech & keynote by Andrew Melchior

25 november, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

As new technology is one of the most important factors that decides the future of the music industry, several panels labelled ESNS Tech will zoom in on the most notable developments during the ESNS Conference. Andrew Melchior will give a keynote on engaging audiences in the new era of deglobalization and reduced emission lifestyles. The planet is racing to deliver a solution to the environmental degradation caused by climate change. In this age, how can artists effectively create, distribute and promote their work to modern audiences? Conversely, how can audiences engage with music and the arts in a sustainable fashion? Melchior has worked in collaboration alongside artists as [...]

ESNS Conference: keynote by Scott Cohen announced

10 november, 2022|Conferentie Expertmeeting, English, Nieuws|

On Friday, January 20th, 2023, Scott Cohen will give a keynote at the ESNS Conference. Cohen is a well established name in the music industry, as he co-founded the music distribution company The Orchard (now owned by Sony) and was the first ever Chief Innovation Officer at Warner Music Group. Recently, Scott Cohen announced his departure from Warner to start a new venture around the fractionalized ownership of music royalties. While the details around this new company remain unknown for the time being, you can expect a cutting edge keynote from one of the pioneers in the music industry.   ESNS Conference: Overview   THURSDAY, January 19th - [...]

Registreer met netwerkkorting via WMF NL

26 augustus, 2022|Call, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Internationaal, Nieuws|

NL@WOMEX 2022 Registreer met netwerkkorting via WMF NL deadline 'Summer Rate' geldig t/m vandaag 26 aug!   WOMEX is de belangrijkste internationale muziekconferentie voor de worldscene, met een trade-fair, presentaties, films en een showcasefestival. In 2022 vindt de WOMEX plaats in Lissabon, Portugal, van 19 tot en met 23 oktober. World Music Forum NL verzorgt zoals gebruikelijk de Nederlandse collectieve vertegenwoordiging tijdens deze beurs, op stand nummers 87-88. Registreer met netwerkkorting Registreer met het 'WOMEX Summerrate tarief' en krijg daarbovenop de extra netwerkkorting door te je aan melden bij de collectieve NL-stand ! (tm 26/8/22  285,- ipv 345 pp., vervolgens wordt het  310,- ipv 375,- pp etc.). Netwerkkorting op registratie Womex  meld je aan via het formulier [...]

Register for ACCES 2022 in Tanzania

3 augustus, 2022|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

(bron: Music in Africa) .. Registrations for the 2022 edition of the Music In Africa Conference for Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases (ACCES) are now open on a first-come, first-served basis. This year’s ACCES takes place at the National Museum & House of Culture in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 24, 25 and 26 November. The pan-African trade show will host industry professionals from across Africa and around the world, who will be in Tanzania’s biggest city to share knowledge, network, exchange ideas and witness showcases by emerging and established artists from the continent. Featuring a dynamic pool of local and international speakers, businesses and showcasing artists, ACCES offers a strong conference programme that includes industry talks, music [...]

WOMEX: Jury members and Club Summit Curator

18 februari, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: WOMEX) We are thrilled to share with you the WOMEX 22 Jury members and Club Summit Curator today. From all the proposals received from around the globe, this year's selected Jury will curate the official Showcase and Conference Programme for WOMEX 22 taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 19 – 23 October 2022. Three women and four men, representing nine countries, bring diverse expertise, skills, experiences, professional backgrounds, forward-thinking ideas, and a rich collective musical knowledge across a  great range of styles, sectors and genres. The Showcase Samurai: António Miguel Guimarães (Portugal), owner, general manager, AMG music Agustín López Costa Paz (Spain), director, Industria Works/Nacional Records Spain office Hadas [...]

23rd CHIME Meeting on ‘Chinese Music and Memory’

23 augustus, 2021|Internationaal|

(bron: CHIME) 23rd CHIME Meeting, Prague, September 2021, on ‘Chinese Music and Memory’ now held online, divided over two periods (1-3 Sept, and 8-10 Sept 2021) Due to the corona pandemic, the 23rd edition of the international CHIME conference will takesplace as an on-line event. We are now only days away from the opening session! A detailed programme schedule and full abstracts for all the speakers can be found on our special conference site www.chime-prague.com. We like to invite everyone interested to join as a listener to register for free at that site; (we will need your contact details to link you up with the on-line meeting, and [...]

Classical:NEXT 2021 Opening & Project Pitches Announcement

27 juli, 2021|English|

(bron: Classical:Next) Classical:NEXT Opening Night Hong Kong / TAKE OFF Rotterdam/Berlin: The Opening Night of Classical:NEXT 2021 Hong Kong / TAKEOFF breaks new ground and presents a 45-minute live virtual performance connecting musicians in Hong Kong and the New European Ensemble in the Netherlands. A borderless musical journey reflects the challenges of our time and how they can lead to innovative paths.  The show will unveil the latest in Hong Kong’s classical music scene, taking delegates on a journey through four episodes, entitled NEXT - Nostalgic, Energetic, eXciting and Technological. Hong Kong / TAKEOFF offers a window looking out to the past and the present, the East and the West, the potential and the possibilities of Hong Kong’s music making that underpin the city's [...]

Classical:NEXT 2021 First Programme Announcement | September

8 juli, 2021|English|

(bron: Classical:Next) Rotterdam/Berlin: The Classical:NEXT 2021 Conference Programme is taking shape. This year's edition brings pioneer perspectives of the global art music scene to the fore, showing how challenging times can speed up thinking outside the box and digital transformations. Classical:NEXT is ready for the future. Across the programme, from Conference sessions to Meet Ups, Classical:NEXT 2021 will be a space to discuss and explore visions for the global art music scene. Challenges after the pandemic, audience development and disability access are just some of the key subjects to be encountered. Below are brief descriptions of the first Conference sessions. Stay tuned for further programme announcements, including details on Project Pitches and Showcases.   AR You Ready? New perspectives for audience development: when, why [...]