Visa for Music: Call for applications is now open!

4 maart, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: Visa for Music) Call for applications is now open! Registration until April 15, 2021 Rabat will host, on November 17-20, the 8th edition of Visa For Music, a festival and fair for music professionals from Africa and the Middle East. The call for applications is now open for artists willing to take part in this new edition. The African and Middle Eastern music scenes are vibrant, inspiring, rich and creative. Yet, artists from these regions lack international visibility. It is out of this paradox that Visa For Music was born as a pioneering professional music fair and festival that offers artists a Launchpad to showcase their talents. [...]

WOMEX Call For Proposals for 2021 Programme Is Now Open

3 maart, 2021|Call, English, Nieuws, Oproepen, Womex|

(bron: WOMEX) Inviting all Artists, Bands, DJs, Music Producers, Filmmakers, Industry Experts and Visionaries Music is everywhere, take a look and get inspired WOMEX Call For Proposals for 2021 Programme Is Now Open  WOMEX, Porto, Portugal, 27 – 31 October 2021 Last year challenged us all in unimaginable ways but also propelled us to innovate, be creative, and problem-solve for issues we never thought we would encounter. Looking forward to October 2021, we are excited to be planning an on-site event and officially opening the Call for Proposals for WOMEX 21 in Porto, Portugal, today. We recognise that there will still be challenges in our industry this October, [...]

Join the Midem LATAM Forum next week free of charge. Pre-register now to access it!

2 maart, 2021|English, Internationaal, Nieuws, Oproepen|

(bron: MIDEM) Midem and LatinX Bizarrolab, join forces for a unique 2021 digital programme: a spotlight on the Latin American music industry.    The online event, from 11 to 12 March, accessible to all via Midem Digital, will bring together the region’s movers and shakers and their global peers, to discuss the dynamic music scenes of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. Through a solid programme of panel discussions, networking opportunities and showcases, participants will be invited to dive into the Latin music industry, along with its sounds and music tech scene, and examine the challenges we now face as an industry.    Do not miss this opportunity to [...]

Wavelengths Conference Panel Videos + Survey

22 februari, 2021|Nieuws|

(bron: globalFEST) This year's virtual Wavelengths Conference was a resounding success, with incredible participation from our panelists, moderators, and attendees! We were so grateful to gather as a community for these discussions and celebrations, despite the screen fatigue we have all been feeling this past year. As part of our commitment to making globalFEST programs as accessible as possible, we are thrilled to share this year's main panels, in their entirety, with you:   Wavelengths Panels & Events This year's conference was hosted by Viviana Benitez and Meera Dugaland included conversations with Emil Kang (The Andrew W Mellon Foundation), Morley (singer-songwriter), Bob Boilen (NPR's Tiny Desk), Felix Contreras [...]

InJazz will again make some noise for Dutch jazz!

16 februari, 2021|Call, Dutch World, English, InJazz, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: InJazz) We are very excited and grateful that LantarenVenster (Rotterdam), TivoliVredenburg (Utrecht), Paradox (Tilburg) and BIMHUIS (Amsterdam) will work with us on the selection and presentation of this year’s best new sounds in Dutch jazz. Dutch musicians have hardly been playing live lately, but this doesn’t mean they have refrained from making new music. Music that is meant to be heard and enjoyed by audiences and programmers alike! What is happening with inJazz? Together with some of the most famous Dutch jazz venues, inJazz is taking the initiative to share a choice of new programs in two occasions: at the end of June and the end of [...]

It’s not too late to join us for Avant Première 2021!

10 februari, 2021|English, Internationaal|

(bron: Avant Première Music + Media Market Vienna 2021) Avant Première is the international trade fair for cultural TV content and presents latest film productions for worldwide transmission. As marketplace, conference and networking event for the music + dance film industry, Avant Première unites experts + decision makers in broadcasting, streaming + VOD, film production + distribution and performing arts. From 15-18 February 2021, Avant Première 2021 takes place ONLINE, offering a seamless digital experience for all registered participants and an insightful programme that you can’t miss! Selected programme highlights include: Avant Première Screenings feature the latest 560 music + dance films and 90 highlights of 2015-19 presented [...]

VirtualWOMEX Extended Programme

15 januari, 2021|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: womex) Core Programme 27 - 28 January 2021 Film Programme until 31 January 2021 A new year brings new opportunities. One of the many good things that came out of digitalising WOMEX is it allows us to connect and inspire each other around-the-year. We are delighted to share with you the virtualWOMEX Extended Programme that features Conference sessions and a Film programme, along with plenty of networking opportunities. If you have an active virtualWOMEX membership or were registered for WOMEX 20 Digital Edition then you can use the same login details to access this upcoming programme. You can renew your annual virtualWOMEX membership or get a new one for 79 EUR.  [...]

Thirty-Fifth edition of ESNS becomes fully digital

13 november, 2020|Call, English, Internationaal|

(bron: ESNS) ESNS 2021 focus on European new music and the road to recovery The conference and showcase festival ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) in Groningen will now be a fully digital edition in 2021. Given the current situation and government guidelines organizing a physical edition is no longer feasible. This means that the program of both the festival and the conference will be presented as a digital platform from 13 to 16 January 2021. The digital edition will continue the mission of ESNS; promoting and circulating new European music as well as offering many new networking opportunities and more reach through ESNS’ online channels and media partners.  Robert Meijerink, [...]

BIME PRO 2020: music industry #closerthanever

20 juli, 2020|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: Bime Pro) BIME PRO convenes the big names in the music industry to debate the future of the sector after the cancellation of over 800,000 concerts worldwide so far this year. The 8th edition of BIME PRO, will take place on the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th of October. It will be held in a unique urban setting, downtown Bilbao, supported by an innovative digital ecosystem that will amplify the reach of this unmissable date for music professionals on a global level. “At BIME PRO we believe in the need to feel that we’re closer than ever—closer to all the businesses, professionals, students, institutions, sector entities, brands... to all of us who make up [...]

Online conference and festival inJazz – join over 200 international professionals!

18 juni, 2020|Call, InJazz, Nieuws, Oproepen|

On Thursday 25 and Friday 26 June, the first ever virtual version of inJazz will take place. Join in the fun and broaden your network and knowledge. inJazz proudly presents an exciting festival line-up and an already popular conference with current topics. In this newsletter we’ll give some tips to guide you through the diverse programme. See you next week! Online festival on both nights A scintillating series of showcases! Promising Dutch jazz acts, but also more seasoned groups, will hit the stages at night. Broadcast live from the inJazz studios at LantarenVenster and BIMHUIS – brought to wherever you are. Enjoy live music (and some pre-recordings) by [...]