Classical: Next

29 september, 2023|

Classical:NEXT is "by the community, for the community": part of this equation is that the programme comes from music professionals themselves. All movers, shakers and everyday innovators from all sectors of the global art music scene are invited to submit their proposals for the project pitches, showcases and the conference. Classical:NEXT is the global networking and exchange hub dedicated exclusively to classical and art music, for all professionals – artists, managers, presenters, orchestras, labels, educators, press, media, publishers and more. Classical:NEXT consists of an interactive conference, project pitches, showcase concerts, expo, innovation award and networking. By taking part in Classical:NEXT, you join over 1,000 professionals from more than [...]

WOMEX Opens The Call for Host City Locations: 2026 – 2027 – 2028

14 september, 2023|Call, Internationaal, Nieuws, Oproepen, Womex|

WOMEX is the most diverse music meeting and the biggest gathering of the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, conference, films and showcase concerts catering to the worldwide community held annually in different locations throughout Europe. WOMEX celebrates diversity and fosters cultural exchange and dialogue, attracting musicians, industry professionals, and music enthusiasts from around the globe. If you ever wished to host WOMEX in your city?  Here is your chance. WOMEX organisers Piranha Arts are looking for the next 'Host City' proposals for 2026, 2027 and 2028. Here are the preferred dates for the weeks before daylight saving: 28 October – 01 November 2026 27-31 October 2027 25-29 [...]

15 jaar WMF NL: Oog op de Toekomst programma compleet

7 oktober, 2022|

Expertmeeting & Concerten Club Nine 14.00 - 18.00 | Cloud Nine 19.30 - 23.00 Expertmeeting,  Club Nine Aanvang 14.00  - 17.30 Afsluiting & borrel MC: Maite Hontelé/ Stan Rijven In 2006 startte World Music Forum NL als open source netwerk ter versterking van de Nederlandse ‘world’ sector. Een platform ook waarop een 10-puntenplan werd gelanceerd. Vele daarvan- de Blend Café's (ruim 100), vertegenwoordiging op muziekbeurzen, de ‘Who-is-Who’ gids- zijn sindsdien gerealiseerd. Na vijftien jaar maken we de balans op. Waar staan we vandaag als sector, hoe ziet de toekomst er uit? Of je nu programmeur, manager, promoter, boeker, muzikant of beleidsmaker bent: hoe je te positioneren in deze kantelende tijd die in [...]


26 september, 2022|

WOMEX is een internationale muziekbeurs met showcases, conferences, films en veel gelegenheid om te netwerken. Dit jaar vindt de WOMEX plaats in Lissabon. World Music Forum NL verzorgt zoals gebruikelijk de Nederlandse collectieve vertegenwoordiging tijdens de beurs op stand nummers 87-88. Ga je mee naar WOMEX? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Nederlandse stand. Lees hier meer over de activiteiten van WMF op WOMEX. Get in touch with the Dutch Op donderdag 20 oktober is er een happy hour om 16:00

Belgian Worldwide Music Network Meeting

30 maart, 2022|

Op maandag 23 mei 2022 organiseert BWMN opnieuw de Belgian Worldwide Music Meeting mét Showcase Night. De Nederlandse collega's zijn daar van harte voor uitgenodigd. Bekijk hier het volledige programma via de site van Belgian World Music Network Helaas blijkt er inmiddels onvoldoende deelnemers te zijn om een gezamenlijke bus te organiseren. Dus het beste is om gewoon de trein te nemen!  

Budapest Ritmo

28 maart, 2022|

The Budapest Ritmo Conference is a perfect opportunity for music industry stakeholders to exchange know-hows and business cards. With international roundtable guests and delegates, Ritmo presents two focus areas this year: the cultural diplomacy and music strategy of European Capitals of Culture and UNESCO Music Cities, and the overlap of the music and film industry. The latter will include panel discussions with delegates from international music film festivals, distributors, sync pros, and more. Join for the networking and speed dating after for best results. The conference’s official language is English. Please register for the conference via


13 januari, 2022|

Classical:NEXT is the global networking and exchange hub dedicated exclusively to classical and art music, for all professionals – artists, managers, presenters, orchestras, labels, educators, press, media, publishers and more. Classical:NEXT consists of an interactive conference, project pitches, showcase concerts, expo, innovation award and networking. By taking part in Classical:NEXT, you join over 1,000 professionals from more than 45 countries worldwide. From 17 to 20 May 2022, Classical:NEXT will welcome the global art music community to Hannover and turn the heart of Germany into a vibrant music hub. It's not only our premiere in a new host city, but also Classical:NEXT's 10th anniversary that makes this year's edition [...]

Jazzahead: Don’t miss: Early bird rate until 18 Oct | Showcase applications until 4 Nov

14 oktober, 2021|English, Internationaal|

(bron: Jazzahead) REGISTER BY OCTOBER 18 AND SAVE WITH THE EARLY BIRD RATE!       With our Early-Bird rate for a registration as a professional participant (all days) you save until October 18! With this option you will attend jazzahead! 2022 in Bremen for 165€ plus VAT instead of the regular price of 200€ plus VAT.  So register now at the special offer price and enjoy all the benefits of registration: networking, access to the trade fair including all showcase concerts, entry in the attendee directory, availability of the recorded conference program even after the event, and much more. All registration information is available here.  SHOWCASE APPLICATION OPEN [...]

Mundial Montreal is back in a hybrid format!

14 september, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal|

(bron: Mundial Montreal) Mundial Montreal is back for an 11th edition with a hybrid format! Mundial Montreal, the North American world music summit, is back this November for its 2021 edition.  Heading into a new phase for the music industry, Mundial has expanded to a hybrid event, with in-person activities from November 16 to 19, as well as a professional virtual networking platform adapted to the specific needs of the music industry, accessible from November 8 to 26. On the menu for the in-person event : about thirty showcasing artists, conferences, targeted networking activities, networking dinners, the mentor café and the famous Speed Schmooze!    The first artists [...]