Calabrian Tarantella

14 maart, 2022|English, Nieuws, Redactioneel|

By Eric E. van Monckhoven The music of Calabria is part of the Italian musical tradition. Like other regions of southern Italy, Calabria has a rich and diverse heritage of cultural traditions, including, for instance, the Calabrian Tarantella. Tarantella, pizzica pizzica, tammuriata are a large family of traditional dances. In some areas, they are associated with the ancient ritual against the bite of the tarantula, the poisonous spider.  Nobody knows exactly the Calabrian Tarantella’s origin, but the dance was transmitted orally from the most ancient times – supposedly when Calabria was part of the Magna Grecia and the home of many Greek settlers. Calabria is still hosting today [...]

Offer: artist entrepeneur day at English folk expo 2021

16 september, 2021|Call, Internationaal|

(bron: EFEx) English Folk Expo has teamed up with the Featured Artists Coalition and CMU:DIY to bring you a special folk edition of their Artist:Entrepreneur Day. The day presents a series of talks, case studies and discussions about pursuing a career in the music industry. Hosted by three artist entrepreneurs from the Featured Artist Coalition — Ellen Smith (Shadowlark), Eckoes, and David John Jaggs (The Ragamuffins) — A:E Day will show you how to build a business around your music, including your music rights, your live performances and your direct-to-fan relationships. Click here to access the discount From music copyright, to building your fanbase, to choosing the right business partners, the artist-led A:E [...]

Boi Akih – Storyteller

11 juni, 2021|

Storyteller vertelt een verhaal in kleuren en klanken, over een reis vol onverwachte ontmoetingen. Moderne jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek verweeft BOI AKIH moeiteloos met folk tradities uit alle windstreken om daarmee een onconventioneel en toch volkomen herkenbaar en toegankelijk eigen geluid te creëren. Akoestische klanken en elektronische soundscapes vermengen zich met het veelzijdige, warme stemgeluid van Monica Akihary, die soms in het Engels, soms in het Haruku, de taal van het eiland van haar vader, zingt. In Storyteller roepen Akihary en gitarist en componist Niels Brouwer, die samen BOI AKIH vormen, met blokfluitist Dodó Kis en koraspeler Sekou Dioubate een wereld op waar grenzen oplossen en afstanden tussen [...]

European Folk Network Reminder – Register Now!

5 maart, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: EFN) Don't forget to book your place on the Spring Forward online meetings - the first on 15 March. Plus - before the meeting, send EFN some more info about you and what you want to get from EFN membership. Book now for Spring Forward Members' Meetings Tell us more about you and your membership of EFN Reminder - Membership subscriptions for 2021 EFN Members Spring Forward Meetings Online - book your place now! The first Spring Forward meeting will be on the afternoon of Monday 15 March. The programme - on the theme: EFN Today - Who We Are and Where We Are - will include [...]