Pussy Riot: Riot Days

15 april, 2022|

De Russische punkband PussyRiot behaalde in 2012 internationale krantenkoppen nadat leden waren gearresteerd en gevangengezet wegens protest tegen hun net herkozen leider Poetin. Sinds 2011 strijdt het kunstcollectief op allerlei niet-gewelddadige manieren voor vrije meningsuiting, rechten voor vrouwen en voor de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap, maar bovenal voor gelijkheid in de breedste zin van het woord. De roterende groep van ongeveer elf leden vermomt zich in kleurrijke outfits met bivakmutsen en maakt met hun luide stem en politieke, artistieke nummers een statement tegenover de wereld. Verwacht op 21 mei een onvergetelijke performance van hun muziektheaterproject Riot Days. De band bestaat uit Maria Alyokhina ( Masha Alechina), Kiryl Masheka, Nastya Awott en [...]

Music Leadership Summit

1 juni, 2021|

Drawing on 20 years of experience in conflict regions around the world, Musicians Without Borders has developed an approach to using the power of music in communities experiencing the impact of displacement. The Music Leadership Summit is an opportunity for us to share this expertise with musicians and music professionals eager to make a difference and work towards social change in their personal and professional communities. The summit offers a program that combines training and advocacy, focused on building connections and solidarity through music in the context of a world with a growing population on the move. Find more information and register for the Music Leadership Summit: https://musicleadership.musicianswithoutborders.org/

Human Rights, Art and Protest: Voice and Expression in U.S. Minority Communities in the Time of the Pandemic

1 februari, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal|

(bron: Freemuse) Join the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) and Freemuse for a peer-to-peer webinar on HUMAN RIGHTS, ART AND PROTEST: VOICE AND EXPRESSION IN U.S. MINORITY COMMUNITIES IN THE TIME OF THE PANDEMIC When: 11 February 202111:00am-1:00pm (New York City) / 5:00pm-7:00pm (Geneva) Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UCTYotJASDaGnhoWe2FCEw The COVID-19 pandemic has a broad range of disproportionate and adverse impacts upon minorities and other groups, with some groups suffering death rates several times higher than others during the pandemic. Join us on Zoom for a peer-to-peer conversation regarding the actionable steps and narratives of resilience related to the COVID-19 pandemic, art, and protest related to the fight for civil [...]