Meet jazzahead! at ESNS 2023

27 december, 2022|Conferentie Expertmeeting, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

Trade fair, conference and festival jazzahead! is world’s biggest gathering of the jazz industry with a strong European focus. It is held annually in April in Bremen, northwest Germany. jazzahead! increasingly and specifically addresses participants from areas that move on the musical fringes of jazz. What goals jazzahead! is pursuing in this regard, what possibilities of involvement it has for future development, is the topic of a lunch event to which jazzahead! cordially invites you. Do you feel addressed? Great, here below you will find all the information you need to participate... Invitation jazzahead! Networking Lunch in an exclusive setting with a limited number of participants Friday 20th Jan, 13:00 By [...]


8 april, 2022|

De Muzikantendag is terug! Op zaterdag 7 mei strijkt hét evenement voor muzikanten neer in de Melkweg. ? Op de Muzikantendag leer je niet alleen alles over de de artistieke maar ook de zakelijke kant van de muziekindustrie. Laat je muziek horen tijdens de demospreekuren en spijker je kennis over de industrie bij tijdens verschillende flitscolleges en panels. Ook dit jaar hebben we een bomvol programma met panels, flitscolleges, demospreekuren en een clinic. Zo zijn NPO 3FM en NPO Radio 2 aanwezig om te vertellen wat de radio voor je carrière kan betekenen, gaan Buma, Sena en NORMA de diepte in over muziekrechten en is er een keynote [...]

European Folk Network Reminder – Register Now!

5 maart, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: EFN) Don't forget to book your place on the Spring Forward online meetings - the first on 15 March. Plus - before the meeting, send EFN some more info about you and what you want to get from EFN membership. Book now for Spring Forward Members' Meetings Tell us more about you and your membership of EFN Reminder - Membership subscriptions for 2021 EFN Members Spring Forward Meetings Online - book your place now! The first Spring Forward meeting will be on the afternoon of Monday 15 March. The programme - on the theme: EFN Today - Who We Are and Where We Are - will include [...]