Around The World In 24 Documentaries | WOMEX 21 Film Selection

14 september, 2021|Nieuws|

(bron: Womex) We are very excited to share with you the WOMEX 21 Film Programme that features a hand-picked selection of 24 music documentaries including new releases, preview screenings, and international premieres. The past year and a half have been a transformative year for everybody, especially for the creative industries. Since we started working on the film programme a few months ago, we have been working with one goal: to craft a selection and an edition that would inspire, motivate, entertain, instigate and address the most burning global issues and topics of the day. Avoiding the temptation to follow the beaten paths, continuing the quest for music and cinema [...]

Professional conferences – 24th Fira Mediterrània Manresa

14 september, 2021|Nieuws|

(bron: Manresa)   Fira Mediterrània Manresa from 14-17 October PRO-activity PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES Culture and education: strengthening affinities Fira provides a meeting point for reflection on the relationship between culture and education in an on-site and online format.   ACTIVITY FOR REGISTERED DELEGATES ONLY Espai PRO | Taverna de la Fira (Jardí del Casino) and streaming on the Fira online Thursday 14 October From 10.30 to 18.00  Opening speech ENRIC PUIG PUNYET ·  Arts Santa Mònica Public administrations: challenges, resources and opportunities TONI CABRÉ · Subdirecció General Promoció Cultural de la Direcció General de Promoció Cultural i Biblioteques del Departament de Cultura  OLGA ADROHER · Servei d'Ordenació d'Ensenyaments de Règim Especial de la Direcció General [...]