The Netherlands are jazzahead! partner country in 2024

7 mei, 2023|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

The Netherlands will become jazzahead! partner country in 2024. This was announced on 29 April in Bremen by Claudia Roth, Germany's Minister of State for Culture and Media. She did so before a full house at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, in the presence of Dewi van der Weerd, Dutch ambassador for international cultural cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jazzahead! is the largest trade fair for the international jazz industry and the place for high-quality, contemporary jazz from Europe and overseas. Sybille Kornitschky, who runs jazzahead! for Messe Bremen, about the Dutch presence in 2024: "They totally deserve this. It's no accident that our juries have been consistently choosing [...]

Abonnees kunnen met korting naar WOMEX

13 april, 2023|Internationaal, Nieuws, Womex|

WOMEX is de belangrijkste internationale muziek conferentie voor de ‘world’ scene, met trade-fair, presentaties, films en showcase-festival. Net als in voorgaande jaren zal World Music Forum NL tijdens deze toonaangevende internationale jaarlijkse muziekbeurs de collectieve Nederlandse vertegenwoordiging organiseren. Smartrate Registratie tot 2 juni + Extra Netwerkkorting  Via World Music Forum NL kunnen abonnees met extra korting (3rd person rate) registreren voor WOMEX. Laat via dit formulier weten of je hiervan gebruik wilt maken. Dan sturen we je zsm speciale code toe. Completeer vervolgens je WOMEX registratie. >> Overzicht tarieven WOMEX. Lees verder op deze pagina >>>


15 februari, 2023|

jazzahead! is the must-go event for the international jazz industry and the place for high-quality, contemporary jazz from Germany, Europe and overseas. As the world's largest event where all the protagonists of the scene (musicians, labels, agencies, festival makers, bookers and media representatives) meet, it is considered by professional visitors from all over the world as the "Family Reunion of Jazz". Despite its steady growth, jazzahead! has managed to keep its family character. jazzahead! is not only a trade fair for trade visitors, but also open to the general public - with a program that once a year turns the Hanseatic city of Bremen into a jazz metropolis. [...]

jazzahead! 2023: co-exhibitor registration

15 februari, 2023|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron inJazz, foto Teis Semey at jazzahead! 2022) From 27 – 30 April 2023, jazzahead! will take place in Bremen (DE). The Dutch inJazz stand will be provided by inJazz in cooperation with Fonds Podiumkunsten. Together, we will set up a corresponding promotional campaign. After the encouraging return to live this year, we expect jazzahead! 2023 will again be valuable in presenting Dutch jazz and establishing international contacts. Germany is partner country of jazzahead! 2023 The program will include four major premieres of completely newly-formed jazz ensembles, with bandleaders from Germany working alongside musicians from the Netherlands, France, Austria and the USA. The bandleaders have already been appointed [...]

BABEL MUSIC XP 2023 – Save the date: stands & accreditations booking

8 december, 2022|Babel Music, Dutch World, English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

BABEL MUSIC XP IS BACK ! Marseille - France     Following the successful digital, interactive BEFORE highlights, then two years disrupted by the pandemic, BABEL MUSIC XP is finally coming back to life! From 23 – 25 March 2023 in Marseille, the forum devoted to contemporary world music will relaunch its atypical format again – combining an international professional trade fair and a festival open to the public. Over three days, 2 000 music industry professionals will attend a trade fair, establish business, cultural and social links with major players in the field. At a time when the music industry is undergoing significant change, BABEL MUSIC XP [...]

jazzahead! 2023 – Korting bij registratie als co-exhibitor

10 oktober, 2022|Conferentie Expertmeeting, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: InJazz) Van 27 – 30 april 2023 vindt jazzahead! plaats in Bremen (DE). De stand Dutch inJazz wordt verzorgd door inJazz is samenwerking met Fonds Podiumkunsten. Gezamenlijk zullen wij een bijbehorende promotiecampagne opzetten. Na de bemoedigende terugkeer naar de livesituatie van dit jaar, verwachten wij dat jazzahead! 2023 wederom waardevol zal zijn voor de presentatie van Nederlandse jazz en het leggen van internationale contacten. Duitsland is partnerland van jazzahead! 2023 Op het programma staan vier grote premières van volledig nieuw samengestelde jazzensembles, waarbij bandleiders uit Duitsland samenwerken met musici uit Nederland, Frankrijk, Oostenrijk en de VS. De bandleiders zijn al aangewezen door jazzahead! en de samenwerkende partners, [...]

Full Programme Overview For WOMEX 22 Lisbon

23 september, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws, Womex|

World Music Forum NL verzorgt zoals gebruikelijk de Nederlandse collectieve vertegenwoordiging tijdens de beurs op stand nummers 87-88. Ga je mee naar WOMEX? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Nederlandse stand. Meld je hier aan voor netwerkkorting en overige activiteiten. Let op: na vandaag - 23 september - gaat het tarief weer met een paar tientjes omhoog! We announced the complete WOMEX 22 Lisbon edition programme: Conference, Films and Showcase, the Award Recipients, public tickets for the evenings, and released the 'Who's Attending this October' list - everything is out and available online. That's not all - all the Expo Stands are Sold-out for this year confirming that [...]

The complete WOMEX 22 Conference + Showcase Programme

2 september, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws, Womex|

(bron: WOMEX) Ga je mee naar WOMEX? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Nederlandse stand. Meld je hier aan voor netwerkkorting en overige activiteiten.   As we are getting closer to October, the programme is getting full and exciting. We have non-stop news, developments, updates and announcements coming every week. Today is another big round of announcements. You can now see the FULL Conference Programme and Showcase Artists line-up on our website for WOMEX 22 in Lisbon. Altogether there are 19 Conferences, 9 Networking, 9 Mentoring Sessions, and 3 Associated Presentations which present 103 speakers from 47 countries, tackling a wide range of topics like social inclusion, Womxn and [...]

More Artists Added To The Lineup For WOMEX 22 In Lisbon

12 juli, 2022|English, Womex|

(bron: WOMEX - WOMEX 22 Lusofónica Stage Artist: Sheila Patricia. Photo by Aitor Ramos Soto) Ga je mee naar WOMEX? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Nederlandse stand. Meld je aan voor netwerkkorting en overige activiteiten. Klik hier Berlin/Lisbon: Piranha Arts, the producers of WOMEX, along with AMG Music, the local partners for WOMEX 22 in Lisbon, today reveal the complete Jury-selected Showcase artists, Lusofónica Stage (the Regional stage), the Club Summit and the Opening line-up. So far, the upcoming 28th edition of WOMEX in Lisbon features 51 artists representing 37 countries, not including the offWOMEX line-up and the WOMEX 22 Award recipients that will be announced in the coming weeks. WOMEX [...]

First Official Selection of Showcase Artists for WOMEX 22 Revealed

16 juni, 2022|English, Nieuws, Womex|

(bron: Womex) Berlin/Lisbon: WOMEX - The Worldwide Music Expo unveils the first batch of Jury-selected showcase artists performing at WOMEX 22 in Lisbon from 19 - 23 October 2022. The 23 showcase artists confirmed today represent 24 countries that will be bringing diverse musical influences from across the globe to the 28th edition of the event. Today's line-up announcement brings you Venezuelan joropo, Argentinian chacarera, and Peruvian waltz performed by Aguamadera (Argentina/France); folklore from the Maghreb mixed with Gnawa-rock and electro-pop from Djazia Satour (Algeria/France); Sara Correia (Portugal): the rising star who grew up in a family of fadistas inhabiting the middle ground between traditional, dark fado and its modern, lighter [...]