Nordic Folk Alliance

8 april, 2022|

Nordic Folk Alliance is a conference and showcase festival for musicians, organisers and bookers, festival representatives, export offices and all other enthusiasts of traditional music, folk music and global roots. 20 showcase acts from the Nordic countries are confirmed, as well as a relevant seminar program and networking events. We focus on music from the Nordic countries but welcome delegates and visitors from all over the world. The event will move around the Nordic countries. This year we celebrate in Gothenburg, Sweden.

European Jazz Conference 2022 showcases & theme

5 april, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: European Jazz Conference) We are very happy to announce the showcase selection for the 8th European Jazz Conference that will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, between 22 - 25 September 2022. Every year, during the Conference, a showcase festival presents some of the best jazz and creative music projects from the country that is hosting the event, Bulgaria for this year. The ten selected projects are: 3uP Bodurov Trio Dimitar Liolev Quartet / Rhodopology Gueorgui Kornazov “New Generation” quintet Hristina Beleva & Vasil Hajigrudev Jazzanitza JP3 Vasil Hajigrudev sextet Via Mavis Zhivko Vasilev Quintet The selection process was coordinated by A to Z Foundation, which is hosting [...]

Jazzahead! 2022 – Korting bij registratie als co-exhibitor

14 februari, 2022|Call, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: inJazz) Voor het eerst sinds twee jaar zal jazzahead! in 2022 wederom 'live' in Bremen plaatsvinden, en wel van 28 april tot en met 1 mei. Ook voor inJazz en Buma Cultuur is er het nodige veranderd, dus vandaar dat we wat later dan gebruikelijk met deze mailing komen. Belangrijkste punt: er komt een Nederlandse stand en we zullen met inJazz een bijbehorende campagne verzorgen. Registreer je nu als co-exhibitor van de Nederlandse stand en maak gebruik van de code die wij je aanbieden. Deze code geeft korting op het gehanteerde tarief. Om gebruik te maken van de korting dien je je hier te registreren als co-exhibitor. [...]

Classical:NEXT | The first programme is out!

4 februari, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: Classical:NEXT) The first components of the Classical:NEXT 2022 programme are revealed! An international jury has selected the most promising and innovative ideas for this year's edition. Over the coming weeks, we will gradually announce the full programme, beginning with a first selection of Evening Showcases and Conference Sessions.   Since the Classical:NEXT programme consists of jury-selected submissions from the global art music community, its current leading spirit is reflected in all programme parts. From the Showcase Festival to the Conference Sessions, from the Opening to the Innovation Award, this year we observe a clear focus on subjects of inclusion, fair access, questions of gender as well as the representation of marginalised and non-Eurocentric  perspectives. Compared to past editions, it is striking [...]

inJazz 2022 takes place in Amsterdam & Rotterdam

27 januari, 2022|English, InJazz, Nieuws|

(bron: inJazz) Given the developments of the last two years, the InJazz team thought it best to fire the autopilot. Who wants to go back to the old normal? Not us: far too much fun to reinvent yourself. While the applications for the showcase performances are pouring in, we have therefore decided to kick off inJazz 2022 at the BIMHUIS in Amsterdam on Wednesday 22 June. A cosy get-together with bites and drinks - call it networking - and some informative talks for jazz professionals, followed by a first evening of performances by Holland's finest fresh jazz projects. On Thursday the 23rd, we move to Rotterdam, where inJazz [...]

BIME: Check out Keychange participants 2022

26 januari, 2022|English, Internationaal, Nieuws|

(bron: BIME) Find the next outstanding talent in our roster of emerging artists and professionals from across Europe and Canada. We have 132 artists and professionals, hand-picked by industry experts from 12 countries. Bring gender minorities to your main stage and become the benchmark for the next generation. >>> Get to know them


4 januari, 2022|

ESNS is Europe's main conference and showcase festival, focusing on European music. The exchange of European music in is one of the main goals of ESNSg. With 3000 delegates, showcases by 290 artists and a conference with 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews and meetings, Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, European artists, international music industry professionals and organisations. The conference includes industry meetings of our long term partners; the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Yourope, Network Europe, the European Export office(s) and our own ESNS Exchange, the European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP). Showcase program >>> Conference program >>> ESNS takes place – entirely [...]

ESNS opens registration for physical edition in January and announces first names

13 oktober, 2021|Call, Internationaal|

(bron: ESNS) Good news! Today we can finally announce that ESNS 2022 will be a physical event taking place in our beloved city of Groningen. Due to the recent relaxation in the corona containment measures, the event will physically take place in Groningen in January 2022, and registration for the conference is open as from today via the button below REGISTER FOR THE ESNS 2022 CONFERENCE First panels and speakers announced Today we have confirmed a keynote address with Urgenda director and 'leading global thinker' Marjan Minnesma. Minnesma has worked for the Dutch government in Central Europe on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Together with her co-director prof Rotmans at the Institute for Transitions [...]

Classical:NEXT 2022 opens Call for Proposals

6 oktober, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal|

(bron: ClassicalNext)   Today Classical:NEXT 2022 opens its search for the best, brightest and most forward-looking artists, projects, topics and interactive conference formats from all corners of the classical music world! From 5 October until 5 November 2021 all music professionals are invited to submit their proposal for a Live Performance, a Conference Session or a Project Pitch for Classical:NEXT 2022 in Hannover, Germany. All proposals will be considered by an independent jury of international experts – guaranteeing a neutral yet informed selection process. Please keep reading for all information about the submission process and to get to know this year's jury. We are looking forward to your ideas and projects! With warm wishes, the Classical:NEXT team   Calling the future One of the special things about Classical:NEXT is that [...]

WOMEX 21 Digital Programme Announcement

25 september, 2021|Call, English, Internationaal|

(bron: Womex) It's true; time flies - it seems so recently that we were putting together the first-ever virtual event during lockdown for 2020. However, as we move closer to October for WOMEX 21 in Porto, we've had many inquiries about this year's 'Digital Programme' in the past few weeks.  What about those who cannot travel to Porto? Are you doing anything online this year? What about those who cannot attend? WOMEX 21 will be an in-person event in Porto and not mirrored in the digital realm; however, we will - before the on-site event takes place - bring an extra bit of the WOMEX programme to a [...]