December 2018

Afro Celt Sound System 
ECC (11↑)

2. SANSKulku – Cloud Valley (1↓)
3. Gaye Su Akyolİstikrarlı Hayal Hakikattir – Glitterbeat (4↑)
4. Bixiga 70Quebra-Cabeça – Glitterbeat (3↓)
5. DamilyValimbilo – Les Disques Bongo Joe (7↑)
6. VigüelaA Tiempo Real – ARC Music (2↓)
7. Doctor NativoGuatemaya – Stonetree (10↑)
8. Bokanté + Metropole OrkestWhat Heat – Real World (5↓)
9. Dur-Dur BandDur-Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks – Analog Africa (9=)
10. Moonlight BenjaminSiltane – Ma Case (19↑)11. Danças OcultasDentro desse Mar – Danças Ocultas (20↑)
12. LemmaLemma – Buda Musique (15↑)
13. MinyeshuDaa Dee – ARC Music (6↓)
14. Sofiane Saidi & MazaldaEl Ndjoum – Airfono (27↑)
15. Small Island Big SongSmall Island Big Song – Small Island Big Song (22↑)
16. Dawda JobartehI Met Her by the River – Sterns Music (17↑)
17. TautumeitasTautumeitas – CPL-Music (18↑)
18. Cimbalom BrothersTestvériség / Brotherhood – Fonó Budai Zeneház (13↓)
19. Stella Chiweshe Kasahwa: Early Singles – Glitterbeat (16↓)
20. Catarina dos SantosRádio Kriola – ARC Music (24↑)21. Amira KheirMystic Dance – Sterns Music (31↑)
22. Winston Mcanuff & FixiBig Brothers – Chapter Two / Wagram (-↑)
23. Moulay Ahmed El HassaniAtlas Electric – Hive Mind (-↑)
24. TakulaTakula – XA Music (-↑)
25. DelgresMo Jodi – Jazz Village (28↑)
26. The TurbansThe Turbans – Six Degrees (25↓)
27. Domna SamiouMusic from Greece – Caprice  (-↑)
28. Harouna SamakeKamale Blues – One World (32↑)
29. Vardan Hovanissian & Emre GültekinKarin – Muziekpublique (-↑)30. BandAdriaticaOdissea – Finisterre (35↑)
31. Dobranotch20 Years – CPL-Music (-↑)
32. Sekou BahSoukabbè Mali – Clermont Music (21↓)
33. KalàscimaK – Ponderosa Music & Art (-↑)
34. Vivalda DulaDula – Vivalda Dula Music (-↑)
35. OkonkoloCantos – Big Crown (26↓)
36. Ann O’aroAnn O’aro – Cobalt / Buda Musique (30↓)
37. Manou GalloAfro Groove Queen – Contre-Jour (-↑)
38. Ammar 808Maghreb United – Glitterbeat (12↓)
39. Moussu T e lei JoventsOpérette Volume 2 – Manivette (38↓)
40. Marta GómezLa Alegría y el Canto – Aluna (34↓)

Transglobal World Music Chart (TWMC) is a network of world music specialised journalists, critics, writers, DJs… from all the continents, that produces a monthly chart (and also an annual one), according to quality criteria, selecting the best recent world music albums from all over the world.

Transglobal World Music Chart is an independent non-profit initiative created and launched in partnership by Mundofoníasand World Music Central teams.

To know more about the chart, visit:
Meet the members of the panel:
How can I submit an album?
Artists, labels, publicists… can easily submit for free their releases for the members’ consideration. Please check the Album Submissions page for more details about the requirements and procedures.My album is in the Chart!
Congrats! This means that your album has achieved many votes from a panel of specialists from all over the world. You can proudly boast that you have charted on Transglobal World Music Chart showing one of the TWMC’s seals, our logo or banner. Pick them freely from our Media section.Can I publish the Chart?
Of course. The aim of our work is to provide the maximum dissemination of this music. You can publish the chart freely with the only condition that you mention the whole name of the chart as follows: Transglobal World Music Chart. Including a link to our website and the TWMC logo will be highly appreciated. If you publish the chart in a regular basis, you can send us your logo and a link, that will be placed on the Partners section of our website. And if you send us a link with your publication of the chart, we’ll share it on our social networks.The monthly chart is always published on the 1st day of each month. If you work for any media outlet interested in publishing the chart and you need to get the results earlier, let us know and we’ll send you a preview every month in advance. And if you want to be our media partner, get in touch with us as well.

Founder members and administrators: Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US),  Araceli Tzigane (ES)

Current members: Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS), Jaïr Tchong (NL), Enrique Blanc (MX), Tiago Lucas Garcia (BR), Zekeriya S. Şen (TR), Benjamín Muñiz (PR), Daryana Antipova (RU), Mika Kauhanen (FI), Luisa Piñeros (CO), Toni Pennacchia (US), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Chen Hanzi (CN).

TWMC Festival Awards

As part of its goal to increase the appreciation of the music from the cultures of the world, as a tool for the development of people in many areas of life, as well as for joy and pleasure, the Transglobal World Music Chart launches the Festival Awards. The first edition will conclude at the end of 2018.

Learn more and apply here!