Transglobal World Music Chart (TWMC) is a network of journalists, critics, writers, DJs… from all continents specialized in world music, that produces a monthly chart and also an annual one, according to quality criteria, selecting the best recent world music albums from all over the world.
Transglobal World Music Chart is an independent, non-profit initiative created and launched in partnership by Mundofonías and World Music Central teams.
How can I submit an album?
Artists, labels, publicists, etc. can easily submit their releases for free for consideration by the panel members. Please visit the Album Submissions page for more details about the requirements and procedures.
My album is in the Chart!
Congrats! This means that your album has achieved many votes from a panel of specialists from all over the world. You can proudly boast that you have charted in the Transglobal World Music Chart by using one of the TWMC’s seals, our logo, or banner. You can choose them for free from our Media section.
Can I publish the Chart?
Of course. The goal of our work is to disseminate this music as widely as possible. You can publish the chart freely, with the only condition that you mention the whole name of the chart as follows: Transglobal World Music Chart. It would be greatly appreciated if you included a link to our website and the TWMC logo. If you publish the chart in a regular basis, you can send us your logo and a link, which will be placed in the Partners section of our website. And if you send us a link to your publication of the chart, we will share it on our social networks.