After months of meticulous planning and a comprehensive selection process, here are the first remarkable roster of talent for WOMEX 23.

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From 25 to 29 October 2023, the vibrant city of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain, will come alive with various sounds, rhythms, and cultures as musicians and music professionals from across the globe gather to celebrate diversity and musical creativity. The 20 artists announced today already represent 25 different countries, confirming an extensive range of musical styles.

The official programme is curated together by the annually changing, independent and international WOMEX Jury, also known as the ‘7 Samurai’: five focusing on the Showcase proposals and two on the Conference. Together with the WOMEX showcase team, a dedicated curator puts together the Club Summit showcases, which will be announced in the coming weeks.

Each year, WOMEX receives over a thousand proposals from diverse regions worldwide, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of global music. The rigorous selection process ensures that the final program represents artists from all areas, artistic excellence and cultural diversity.

79rs Gang (USA) Ana Carla Maza (Cuba/Spain) Avalanche Kaito (Burkina Faso/Belgium) Bamba Wassoulou Groove (Mali) Barmer Boys (India) DefMaa MaaDef (Senegal) Elshan Ghasimi (Iran/Germany) Erini (Greece/USA) Francesco Loccisano – Marcello De Carolis “chitarra battente duo” (Italy) Gordie MacKeeman and his Rhythm Boys (Canada) Killabeatmaker (Colombia) Kin’Gongolo Kiniata (DR Congo) Kutu (Ethiopia/France) Liraz (Israel/Iran) Matt Carmichael (UK) Puuluup (Estonia) Roger Damawuzan (Togo/France) Symbio (Sweden) Teo Collori & Momento Cigano (Slovenia) Widad Mjama & Khalil Epi (Morocco/Tunisia/France)

Stay tuned, more artists will be announced in the coming weeks.