(bron: WOMEX)
Inviting all Artists, Bands, DJs, Music Producers, Filmmakers, Industry Experts and Visionaries
Music is everywhere, take a look and get inspired
WOMEX Call For Proposals for 2021 Programme Is Now Open
WOMEX, Porto, Portugal, 27 – 31 October 2021
Last year challenged us all in unimaginable ways but also propelled us to innovate, be creative, and problem-solve for issues we never thought we would encounter. Looking forward to October 2021, we are excited to be planning an on-site event and officially opening the Call for Proposals for WOMEX 21 in Porto, Portugal, today. We recognise that there will still be challenges in our industry this October, and we are pursuing inclusive initiatives to reach and interact with our community across the world.
The WOMEX call for proposals addresses all musicians, filmmakers and music professionals from across the globe.
From all the received proposals, the official programme is selected by an independent, international and annually changing jury, also known as the Seven Samurai (2021 jury to be announced soon).
Proposals can be made in four categories – > Showcase | Club Summit | Film | Conference
and can be submitted from the dedicated website: www.womex-apply.com
The deadline for proposals for WOMEX 21 is Friday, 16 April 2021
WOMEX explicitly welcomes proposals from all backgrounds and encourages submissions, especially those that increase the international music scene’s diversity – be it of culture, region, gender, styles, performance tradition, and more.
Please help us spread the word so that all artists, speakers, film-makers and music professionals of the global music scene worldwide can apply to be a part of the WOMEX 21 Programme.